Just a few reasons why to consider Floatation Therapy
- People float to recover from injuries, fight addiction, treatment for chronic pain, enable stress management and much more.
- Floating naturally increases dopamine and endorphin levels, boosting your mood and leaving you with a pleasant afterglow that lasts for days afterwards.
- Without the need to fight gravity or take in external information, you will l likely experience the most complete relaxation you have ever felt.
- Everything you experience while floating comes from within you. It is the perfect time to reflect on your life, and reports of creative and personal insights abound.
- Float cabins can also be thought of as training wheels for meditation. After about 30-45 minutes of floating, your mind starts producing theta brain-waves, which are responsible for that “between waking & sleeping” state.
- After years of practice, people can enter theta state through deep meditation. Floating gets you there effortlessly.
- People have cut strokes off their golf game, developed complex scientific theories, and drafted whole portions of books while floating.
- With nothing to distract you, your level of concentration and knowledge absorption is astonishing.